We can complete jobs of any size!

Safely spread urea on any crop!

We can spread vineyards, truffles & sports ovals!

We can complete jobs of any size!
Welcome to Fertspread.
We are your independent fertiliser suppliers and spreaders based in Gunning, NSW. We service areas such as the Southern Table Lands, including Goulburn, Yass, Harden, Young, Cootamundra, and the Canberra Region. We are also now based in the Hunter Valley and are able to contract for Muswelbrook, Singleton, Newcastle and surrounding areas. Everything you need to know about fertiliser and spreading can be found here on our site. We hope it helps you in finding the information you are looking for. If you have any further questions, we would be more than willing to help.
Contact us now on 1800 500 184.